Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences
We are proud members of King's College London, where we embrace our role within the broader university community. We actively engage with fellow researchers, students, and experts across disciplines, promoting interdisciplinary exchange.
Centre for the Developing Brain
We are driven by a desire to develop medical image analysis tools to further our understanding of the mechanisms behind fetal, neonatal and children development.
Causal modelling and explainable deep learning to disentangle the roles of the toxic duet of iron imbalance and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease through quantitative MRI. Applications now closed.
Please contact me to discuss potential projects if you are interested in fetal/neonatal MRI and US, image analysis and AI (Chinese students only).
The project description: Towards a digital twin of the fetal heart: Predicting coarctation of aorta . Apply directly on DT4Health website.
Towards a digital twin of the fetal heart: Predicting coarctation of aorta. Apply directly on DRIVE-Health website.
Causal modelling and explainable deep learning to disentangle the roles of iron imbalance, neuroinflammation and demyelination in Alzheimer’s Disease through quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Apply directly on DRIVE-Health website.