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Maria Deprez

Dr Maria Deprez

Senior Lecturer in Medical Imaging

Motion Correction, Image Registration and Segmentation, Spatio-temporal Atlases, Machine Learning.


Arnaud Boutillon

Dr Arnaud Boutillon

Research Associate

Developing tools for brain conductivity measurements and 3D+T fetal cardiac MRI.


Irina Grigorescu

Dr Irina Grigorescu

Research Associate

Fetal and neonatal MRI analysis, Deep Learning Image Registration and Segmentation


Naomi Clarke

Naomi Clarke

Scientific Software Developer

Development of reconstruction tools for 3D+time fetal cardiac MRI.


Helena Sousa

Helena Sousa

PhD Student

Using Deep learning to study Early Neurodevelopment with Multimodal MR Imaging data of the Fetal Brain.


Ioannis Valasakis

Ioannis Valasakis

PhD Student

Developing methods for predicting phenotypes for ASD from neonatal brain connectivity.


Paula Ramirez Gilliland

Paula Ramirez Gilliland

PhD Student

Deep learning for diagnosis of congenital heart disease in fetus using MRI and ultrasound.


Suryava Bhattacharya

Suryava Bhattacharya

PhD Student

Quantitative mapping of developing fetal organs using dynamic MRI and artificial neural networks.


Yilan Dong

Yilan Dong

PhD Student

Developing machine learning tools to uncover the early origins of neurodevelopmental disorders.


George Obada

George Obada

PhD Student

Developing techniques for terminating Atrial Fibrillation and other Cardiac Arrhythmias through Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation and AI.



Hai Le

Hai Le

PhD Student

Characterising abnormal early brain development using diffusion MRI and machine learning.


Lindsay Munroe

Lindsay Munroe

PhD Student

Developing deep learning tools for mining for iron in the brain.